CS 3060 Programming Languages
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CS 3060 Programming Languages
Dr. Robert Green
Prolog III
project Setup: Create a new repository on Gitlab.com. The repository MUST be named following the convention
“[AAAAAA]_[YYYYYY]_A[X]_LASTNAME” where [AAAAAA] is replaced by the course prefix and number (e.g. CS3140),
[YYYYYY] is replaced with the current term (SP, FA, SU) and four digit year (e.g. 2017) and [X] is replaced with the
project number. projects that are misnamed will be given 0 credit!
Instructions: Complete the tasks below using the current programming language. Your code must consist of a
single, driver file that calls the functions that you write for each solution. You may create any additional number
of files, classes, functions, etc. but all functions must be called from that file to demonstrate all work that you
have completed.
Grading Rubric: Each question in the project will be evaluated according to the rubric below. The number
of points are listed in the format (5 Point Question)/(10 Point Questions)/(15 Point Question). For instance, if
you score a “Generally Correct” on a 5 point question, you will receive 3 points while the same result on a 5 or 10
point question will result in 6 or 9 points, respectively.
• Is your repository named correctly?
– (5/10/15 Points) Perfect in all aspects
– (4/8/12 Points) Mostly perfect. Some minor errors or styling issues
– (3/6/9 Points) Generally correct, but some significant errors and/or styling issues
– (2/4/6 Points) Almost correct, significant issues preset
– (1/2/3 Points) Effort made, but incorrect and poorly styled
– (0 Points) No submission or effort evident
1. (15 points) Task #1: Solve the logic puzzle at
3. (5 Points) Task #3: Include a file named README.md that includes instructions for compiling and running
all the solutions to all of your exercises. It would be appreciated if this file includes the exact commands
used to compile and run your code as well as examples of the output produced by your solutions. As this
is a markdown (✳♠❞) file, you may use markdown to style your instructions, though this is not required.
Other Resources:
