案例java MapReduce | java编程案例 | java test case
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案例java MapReduce A sample input file is given below. Each line corresponds to a point-of-interest (POI), which contains a keyword, coordinate values x and y

1. Problem statement

案例java MapReduce 案例A sample input file is given below. Each line corresponds to a point-of-interest (POI), which contains a keyword, coordinate values x and y (separated by white space).


We measure the distance between two points p1=(x1,y1) and p2=(x2,y2) by:

dist(p1, p2) = Ö(x1 – x2)2 + (y1 – y2)2

Each keyword k is associated with a group G(k) of points. [Example] The group of “park” contains two points: (3,5) and (2,4).

There are 2 questions in this programming assignment.

You should write a MapReduce program to solve each of them.

Question Q1: Find the centroid (i.e., the mean position of points) of each group.
Input: the sample input above Output:

lake  5.5 5.5

mall  1.5  5.5

park  2.5 4.5

Question Q2: Find the diameter (i.e., the maximum distance between any two points inside a group) of each group.
Input: the sample input above Output:

lake 8.602

mall  3.162

park 1.414

2. Requirements

案例java MapReduce 案例Though MapReduce support multiple languages, in this assignment, you should use Java (Java 8) for

You submission should be organized asfollows

// your folder name, [Example] 19001234g

— Q1.java // source file for question 1

— Q1.jar // jar file for question 1, compiled and archived from Q1.java

— Q2.java // source file for question 2

— Q2.jar // jar file for question 2, compiled and archived from Q2.java

Archive the above structure as.zip and submit this .zip filein blackboard. [Example] 19001234g.zip

Make sure that you can compile your source file and run with the latestHadoop version’s (i.e., Hadoop 3.2.1) pseudo-distributed
Your jar file should be directly runnable on Linux platform with the following call: bin/hadoop jar Q1.jar Q1
bin/hadoop jar Q2.jar Q2

Your output result should preserve double

You should only use one MapReduce round to solve eachsub-question.

[Hint] You may use the Ubuntu image we provided for this
Google drive:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lMqmTAj2sC2gVqkVWW-MDUR24vv- a3Si/view?usp=sharing
The Y drive inCOMP Lab: Y:\Subject\COMP5434
Note: These files will get expired on November 7!

3. Grading criteria

20 marks will be given if your program can be compiled.

for each .java file, 10marks

80 marks will be given if your program is correct. We will test the correctness of your program by using 8 test cases (4 for each sub-question).案例java MapReduce

For each test case, 10marks

Notice this is an individual assignment. Plagiarism will result in 0 mark!
