Web design
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1. Introduction

In this project, you are required to design and develop a web site using recommended design practices. Your project will demonstrate mastery of the web development skills and concepts learned in this course.

The project must be designed and implemented by you, as an individual.

As part of your planning the web site and included in the submitted report, you should clearly describe the intended audience and the purpose of the site.

As part of publishing the website at the end, there must be a video presentation recording in which you introduce the web site and explain the relevant design aspects of it and how they contribute to the helping the target audience. The link to the video presentation must also be included in your submission via Stream.

2. Requirements for the Website

Your website must have the following:

2.1 Website

  1. Separate Model, View, and Controller

  2. Create Y our Own Models

  3. Implemented two of the Searching, Filtering, Sorting, or Paging Functions

  4. A home page and at least 2 more content pages, which have a consistent format and
    include content relevant to your intended audience. Linked images and PDFs are not part of this page count.

  5. At least one page formatting done via CSS should be using an self-defined external CSS
    rather than the existing default CSS

2.2 Web Page

Each Web page must:

  1. Include appropriate page title and meta-tags

  2. Have links to both HTML5 & CSS3 validators: W3C Validator API, CSS Validator

  3. Have an e-mail link (which can be fictitious – you don’t need to use personal email


  4. Adhere to accessibility guidelines. There are also W3C accessibility checkers for you to

3. Project Planning and Report 3.1 Initial Proposal

You are encouraged (but not required) to request feedback from the class via Stream by posting a single page topic proposal document covering the following:

  1. What is the purpose of the site?

  2. What do you want the web site to accomplish?

  3. Who is your intended audience?

  4. What opportunity, problem, or issue is your site addressing?

  5. What type of content might be included in your site?

  6. List at least two related or similar sites found on the Internet, and why you chose them as

You are also encouraged to comment and make suggestions on other students’ website proposals.

3.2 Analysis

As you develop the site, you will need to consider all the following:

  1. Web Site Goal: Describe the goal of your web site in one or two sentences.

  2. What information do I need? List where you will obtain the content (facts, text,
    graphics, sounds, video) for the web pages you listed above.

  3. A Site Map: Using whatever tools you like, draw a site-map that shows the hierarchy of
    pages and relationships between the pages. Useful guidelines on sitemaps, e.g., Build
    and submit a sitemap and here are some sitemap generators.

  4. A Page Wireframe: create a wireframe model of a page that clearly shows the logo,
    navigation, content, and footer areas. You have using any tool you like including these: Mocking Bird, or these 10 Free Wireframing Tools for Designers

4. Contents of the Final Report

Along with your name and ID, include the URL of your site and when discussing the sections outlined below (when appropriate) include screenshots of from your published website.

       The report need not be long, but should include the following:

4.1 Introduction

1. Who is your intended audience?

  1. What is the purpose of the site - what do you want it to accomplish?

  2. What opportunity, problem, or issue is your site addressing?

  3. List at least two related or similar sites found on the Internet.

  4. Why you chose them?

4.2 Analysis

Include the five sections from the Planning Analysis on the previous page.

4.3 Design

Report on your design and your design decisions and how this will help your site to be suitable for both client and target audience.

4.4 A critique of the site

  1. What do you think is good?

  2. Given more time, what would you improve?

4.5 Appendix

5. What to submit

1. Materials to submit via Stream:

o Your Final Report as a PDF document

o YouTube video: You can include the URL for your YouTube video presentation in your final report (upload your video to YouTube making sure that it will be accessible to markers) or You can upload your video directly onto Stream if you don't want to upload your video to YouTube

6. Assessment Rubric

The best guideline for most of the assessment rubric is the Web Design Best Practice Checklist, which was used in Assignment 1.

Include one link to a ZIP archive containing all the code for all sections of your website.

  • It is also important that this ZIP archive of your website be submitted via Stream.

  • This appendix only serve to make the report stand alone.


o ZIP archive that contains all the code on your website
