C/C++ 编程代写
当前位置:以往案例 > >CS 之Programming Exercise 2 Sequential List Implem

1. Purpose

The purpose of this exercise is to make the students familiar with:

(1) the implementation of basic operations of sequential list;

(2) the basic application of sequential list;

2. Grading Policy

(1) The full mark is 100, which is equivalent to 5 points in the final score of this course.

(2) The assessment is based on the correctness and quality of the code, the ability demonstrated in debugging and answering related questions raised by the lecturer and teaching assistants.

(3) The exercises should be completed done individually and independently.

(4) Some reference codes are provided at the end of this document, only for the purpose of helping those students who really have difficulties in programing. It is allowed to use the reference codes. However, straight copy from the reference codes or with minor modification can only guarantee you to get a pass score. Therefore, the students are encouraged to write their own codes to get a higher score.

3. Contents of Exercises

3.1 Implementation of basic operations of sequential list

Exercise 2.1 (60 points)

Create a sequential list with some data elements, and finish such operations as   initialization, insertion, deletion etc.

All operations should be implemented as independent functions, which can be called by the main function.

(1) Create a sequential list with data elements of 21, 18, 30, 75, 42, 56, and output all the elements

(2) Get the 3rd element of the list, and output the value;

(3) Insert 67 into the list at positon 3, and then output all the elements in the list;

(4) Delete the 6th elements from the list, and then output all the elements in the list;

(5) Search for 75 in the list. If found, report the position of the element;

(6) Get the maximum data element in the list, and print the maximum data;

3.2 Application of sequential list

Exercise 2.2 (20 points)

Based on the sequential list created in step(1) of exercise 2.1, finish following operations:

(1) Sort the list into ascending order, by using bubble sort or other sort method, and output all the elements in the list;

(2) Insert 35 into the list, and keep the list in ascending order;

Exercise 2.3 (20 points)

Based on the sequential list created in step(1) of Exercise 2.1, finish following tasks:

(1) Delete a total of 3 elements starting from the 2nd element.

(2) Inverse the list, namely from A=(a1,a2,…an) to A=(an,an-1,…a1).

4. Reference Code

Exercise 2.1


#define TRUE  1
#define FALSE  0
#define OK 1
#define ERROR 0
#define OVERFLOW -2
typedef int Status;

#define INIT_SIZE 100

typedef int ElemType;
typedef struct{
ElemType *elem;
int length;
int listsize;

// Create an empty list
Status CreateList_Sq(SqList &L)
L.elem=(ElemType *)malloc(INIT_SIZE*sizeof(ElemType));
if (!L.elem)    return ERROR;
L.length=0;   // length is 0
L.listsize=INIT_SIZE;   // initial size of the list
return OK;

// insert element e at position i
Status InsertList_Sq(SqList &L, int i, ElemType e)
{  int * newbase,*q,*p;
if ((i<1)||(i>L.length+1)) {
printf("illegal value of i!\n");
return ERROR;
if (L.length>=L.listsize)  //the list is full, increase the size of storage space
if (!newbase)  return ERROR;
L.listsize= L.listsize+LISTINCREMENT;

Add some codes here


// Delete the ith elements of sequential list L
Status DeleteList_Sq(SqList &L, int i)
int *q,*p;
if ((i<1)||(i>L->length)) {
printf("illegal value of i!\n");
return ERROR;

Add some codes here


//print out all elements
void PrintList_Sq(SqList L)
{   int i;

#define TRUE  1
#define FALSE  0
#define OK 1
#define ERROR 0
#define OVERFLOW -2
typedef int Status;

#define INIT_SIZE 100

typedef int ElemType;
typedef struct{
ElemType *elem;
int length;
int listsize;

//sort array a[] into ascending order
void bubble_sort(int a[],int n){
int i,j;
Boolean change;

for(i=n-1,change=TRUE; i>1 && change; --i){
add some codes here
// Insert an element into an ordered sequential list, and keep the list in ascending order
void OrderedListInsert(SqList &L, ElemType x)
add some codes here

int main()
int i;
SqList Lq;
int retval;
int tmpval;


printf("The initial list is \n");
Print_Sq(Lq) ;

// sort the list into ascending order with bubble sort
bubblesort(Lq.elem, Lq.length);
Print_Sq(Lq) ;

//insert 35
retval = OrderedListInsert (Lq, 35);
if(retval == OK)
printf(“\n after inserting 35, the list is\n”);
printf(“\n List insert error\n”);
return OK;

Exercise 2.3


#define TRUE  1
#define FALSE  0
#define OK 1
#define ERROR 0
#define OVERFLOW -2
typedef int Status;

#define INIT_SIZE 100

typedef int ElemType;
typedef struct{
ElemType *elem;
int length;
int listsize;

//delete k elements from a sequential list, starting from position i
Status ListDeleteK_Sq(SqList &L, int i, int k)
add some codes here

// inverse a sequential list
void InverseList_Sq(SqList &L)
add some codes here

int main(void)

printf("The initial list is \n");
Print_Sq(Lq) ;

ListDeleteK_Sq(Lq, 2, 3);

