Programming Environment
I We use Visual Studio on Windows as our primary programming environment:
I Most students are familiar with Windows O/S
I Windows can be installed easily on MacBook
I Visual Studio is user friendly and feature rich programming environment
I Free access
I We will also use gcc on Linux as a secondary platform:
I some employers value programming experience on Linux
I another option for those who do not want to use Windows
I You can use one or the other, or both.
I I will use Windows and Visual Studio most of the time.
I I will show how to use gcc and Linux.
I Visual Studio is installed on lab computers. Report issues to Minsik Yu ([email protected])
Obtaining Software
I Installing Visual Studio (on Windows):
I Instructions are posted on course site
I Mac users:
I may download and install Windows as a second O/S using bootcamp (
I use VMWare (instructions posted on course site)
I Linux access:
I Request a CS account at: https: //
I Need help? Contact the TAs.
Getting Started with Visual Studio Integrated Development
Environment (IDE)
Getting Started
I Goal is to learn how how to use Visual Studio IDE, to:
1. create a project (application).
2. use the editor to write code.
3. build the application.
4. run the application.
Getting Started: Hello World Program
I We will create a very simple project to illustrate how to use Visual Studio IDE.
I The program shown below writes a message, "Hello, World!", to console (screen):
int main()
std::cout << "Hello, World!" << std::endl;
return 0;
Our First C++ Project
I Let's code, build and run this program in Visual Studio.
I First, we will learn the steps we need to follow to create a project.
I After that, we will explain this program step by step and learn some C++.
Step by Step
I Step by step instructions used to create an application are illustrated next.
I Start Visual Studio. Select new project.
I Select "Visual C++" -> "Windows Desktop"
I Select "Windows Desktop Wizard"
1. (project) name
2. directory location
3. solution name for the project.
I Change Additional Options as follows:
I uncheck Precompiled Header box.
I check Empty Project box.
I We have a new project!
I Now we can to add source les to our project.
I Go to Source Files folder on the Solutions Explorer.
I Right click, and select, Add -> New Item
I Select C++ File
I Name the le appropriately.
I Now you have a blank cpp le.
I Type code.
I Build the project.
I Make sure the project builds successfully.
I Run it.
I You'll see the greeting message on the screen.
1. Use the steps shown above to create an application/project.
2. Code Hello World example. NOTE: C++ is case sensitive
3. Build the application.
4. Run it.
5. Change the program to print a di erent message on the screen.
Hello, World Program: Line by Line
int main()
I main is a special function.
I It is the program entry point.
I Every console application we create should have a main function.
I This function returns an integer (int) value.
I We do not pass any arguments to this function.
I Note: We can have two di erent function signatures for main function:
1. int main()
2. int main(int argc, char* argv[]). We will discuss the use of the second function signature later.
I The line below shows the body of our main function.
std::cout << "Hello, World!" << std::endl;
return 0;
I A function body starts with { and ends with }.
I Body has 2 statements; each statement ends with a semicolon (";").
I First line writes a message, "Hello, World!", to console.
I Here we use some functionality from the C++ Standard Library.
I After that, the function returns 0 (an integer value)1.
1We don't have to return a value in main function. Return 0 (zero) is implied.
The C++ Standard Library: A First Look
The C++ Standard Library
I Here, we brie y look at the feature (i.e. to write a message to console) used in the Hello World example.
I The C++ Standard Library implements some very useful features we need.
I The Standard Library is divided into several sections (more precisely headers), based on functionality.
I Each header has a name.
I We need to include the appropriate header in order to have access to its components.
I The functionality to handle output to console is de ned in the iostream header.
I To include it: #include
The Standard Input and Output
I Terminology:
I input: a sequence of byte ow coming into the computer memory from a device (e.g. keyboard, le).
I output: a sequence of byte ow from the memory to an output device (e.g. console, le).
I stream: a sequence of characters (bytes) read from an input device or written to an output device.
I The iostream section of de nes objects to read and write a stream to Standard I/O channels:
I cin
I cout
I and more..
Standard Output
cout (pronounced as see-out):
I known as the standard output
I attached to the standard output device, which usually is the console
I uses the stream insertion operator, << cout << "Hello, World";
Standard Input
cin (we pronounce it as see-in):
I known as the standard input
I attached to the standard input device, which usually is the keyboard
I uses the stream extraction operator ( >>), to read a stream from the standard input
int x; cin >> x;
I Namespaces allow us to group classes and functions using a name.
I Functions and classes in the C++ Standard Library are de ned in the std namespace.
I To use them (classes/functions), we have to use the fully quali ed name.
I Example: We saw the use of std::cout.
I std is the namespace.
I :: is the scope resolution operator in C++.
I cout is the object in this case.
I We will see the use of namespaces later, when we discuss classes.
Using Namespaces
I Having to write the namespace every time we use a function is a bit cumbersome.
I There are di erent ways to overcome this problem.
I Technique 1:
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
int main()
cout << "Hello, World!" << endl;
I Technique 2:
using namespace std;
int main()
cout << "Hello, World!" << endl;
I If we're not careful, the second technique can lead to subtle problems in large programs.
I I encourage you to use the rst technique.
I I may not show every namespace in subsequent slides after they are introduced.
I E.g. I may show cout without showing using std::cout; but you should assume it is there.
Data Types
I We write programs to handle/manipulate data.
I We use variables to store data.
I Programs need to store di erent kinds/types of data:
I a letter or sequence of letters: e.g. your name
I numbers: e.g. your age
I In C++ every variable has to have a type.
I The type of the variable has to be declared before it is used.
I Once a type is assigned to a variable, it cannot be changed.
I Data types in C++ belong to two main categories:
1. fundamental data types
2. user de ned data types
I Fundamental data types are de ned in the C++ language.
I C++ also allows the user to de ne types (classes).
Fundamental Data Types: Numerical Types
I Numerical values can be whole or real numbers: e.g. 1 or 1.2
I For real numbers we have two types (in C++):
I oat : uses 4 bytes
I double : uses 8 bytes
I As a result, max and min values each can store are di erent.
Type |
Size (Bytes) |
Value Range |
oat |
4 |
3.4 |