R的outreg:输出回归功效表格via stargazer
或许被这个问题熬煎的最多的人就是搞econometrics的人吧…熟悉stata的人应该都很喜欢outreg这个成果,而R内里就贫苦得多。以前一直写一个outreg()的函数来搞定这件事儿,此刻看来有更利便的要领了——stargazer这个包。什么AER、QJE之类的完全不在话下。 这个包支持这些工具:
lm, glm, svyglm, plm, betareg, gee, gam, polr, survreg , coxph, tobit (AER), ivreg (AER), zeroinfl (pscl), hurdle (pscl), multinom (nnet), as well as their implementations in Zelig
American Economic Review, in the Quarterly Journal of Economics, or in Administrative Science Quarterly. Political scientists can avail themselves of templates based on the American Political Science Review, the American Journal of Political Science, and on International Organization. For sociologists and demographers, the American Sociological Review, the American Sociological Reviews and Demography are available.
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